
Covers - "Hurt"

Original dos Nine Inch Nails e a cover de Johnny Cash que morreu pouco depois.

3 comentários:

deep disse...

Há também uma interpretação do Peter Murphy. Continuo a preferir o Johnny.

Alien David Sousa disse...

Não comento por respeito.

Hipatia disse...

O próprio Trent Reznor disse, depois de ouvir a versão de Johnny Cash, que o "Hurt" já não lhe pertencia, era de Cash:

«I pop the video in, and wow... Tears welling, silence, goose-bumps... Wow. [I felt like] I just lost my girlfriend, because that song isn't mine anymore... It really made me think about how powerful music is as a medium and art form. I wrote some words and music in my bedroom as a way of staying sane, about a bleak and desperate place I was in, totally isolated and alone. [Somehow] that winds up reinterpreted by a music legend from a radically different era/genre and still retains sincerity and meaning — different, but every bit as pure.»